
Education Program of the Department of Management focuses on three basic course groups. The first of these are the common courses of “Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution”, “Turkish”, “Ethics and Social Responsibility” and “English”, which all departments throughout the university should take compulsory.


The second course group of the program is the department compulsory courses. These courses, which all students in the management department must take compulsory, are aimed to create the basic management infrastructure. The department consists of compulsory courses, introduction to management, introduction to management, mathematics, economics, law and basic courses related to administration and organization, accounting, finance, marketing, production/transactions management, numerical methods, which are the main areas of management. While the department compulsory courses, which we can also call the core program of the department of management, were created, a balanced program was created for all areas, taking into account the training of management with international standards.


The third group of courses of the program is elective courses. The majority of university and department compulsory courses are taken in 1st and 2nd year. 3rd ve 4th years are mostly kept for electives. In order to graduate from the program, students must take 15 elective courses. By keeping the number of elective courses high, students have been given significant freedom in the areas they want to turn to. Elective courses are divided into three groups. In the first group, there are two elective courses that students can take from the Department of Common Courses. Students can choose these courses from sports, art (music or plastic arts), foreign language and other courses given by the Department of Common Courses. The second group of elective courses are department elective courses. Students can have detailed information in certain areas of management by taking the department elective courses they are interested in. The third group elective courses are non-departmental elective courses. By taking some appropriate courses given by other departments and faculties, students also have the opportunity to learn about a different discipline and provide intellectual width that they are curious about outside their fields. Thus, students can take courses suitable for their interests and curiosity through elective courses and increase their intellectual width.


The Undergraduate Education Program of the Department of Management is carried out in accordance with the Associate And Undergraduate Education and Training Regulations of Çankaya University. The regulation can be accessed from the link below: http://kutuphane.cankaya.edu.tr/hakkimizda/yonergeler-yonetmelikler/


This program applies to students of the Department of Management who will start their freshman year as of 2018.


Click here for the 2012 program


Click here for the pre-2012 program


Click for 2015 – 2016 – 2017 program


Click here for English lessons adaptation


You can click on the course names for information about the contents of the courses.

First Semester
Course Code English Name of the Course Turkish Name of the Course Credit ECTS
ENG 121 Academic English-I Akademik İngilizce-I 2 2 3 4
ECON 101 Introduction to Economics – I Ekonomiye Giriş-I 3 0 3 6
MAN 103 Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Davranış Bilimlerine Giriş 3 0 3 5
MAN 101 Introduction to Business İşletmeye Giriş 3 0 3 5
MATH 105 Business Mathematics I İşletme Matematiği I 4 0 4 6
TURK 101 Turkish-I (T) Türkçe I 2 0 2 3
ESR 103 Ethics Principles and Social Responsibility (T) Etik İlkeler  ve Sosyal Sorumluluk 1 0 1 1
Total:19 Total:30
Second Semester
Course Code English Name of the Course Turkish Name of the Course Credit ECTS
ECON 102 Introduction to Economics – II Ekonomiye Giriş-II 3 0 3 6
MATH 106 Business Mathematics II İşletme Matematiği II 4 0 4 6
MAN 102 Introduction to Management Yönetime Giriş 3 0 3 5
LAW 105 Law for Business and Economics (T) İşletme ve Ekonomi için Hukuk 4 0 4 6
ENG 122 Academic English-II Akademik İngilizce-II 2 2 3 4
TURK 102 Turkish-II (T) Türkçe II 2 0 2 3
Total: 19 Total:30
Third Semester
Course Code English Name of the Course Turkish Name of the Course Credit ECTS
MAN 201 Principles of Accounting-I Muhasebe İlkeleri I 3 0 3 5
MAN 205 Introduction to Operations Research Yöneylem Araştırmasına Giriş 3 0 3 5
STAT 201 Statistics-I İstatistik I 3 0 3 5
ENG 221 Advanced Writing Skills İleri Yazım Becerileri 2 0 2 3
MAN 211 Organizational Behavioral Örgütsel Davranış 3 0 3 5
INF 293 Computer Programming for Business Applications İşletme Uygulamaları için Bilgisayar Programlama 1 2 2 4
HIST 201 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution-I (T) Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I 2 0 2 3
Total:18 Total:30
Fourth Semester
Course Code English Name of the Course Turkish Name of the Course Credit ECTS
MAN 202 Principles of Accounting-II Muhasebe İlkeleri II 3 0 3 5
MAN 206 Operations Management İşlemler Yönetimi 3 0 3 5
STAT 202 Statistics-II İstatistik II 3 0 3 5
MAN 216 Taxation in Business (T) İşletmelerde Vergileme 2 0 2 3
MAN 212 Organization Theory Örgüt Kuramı 3 0 3 5
MAN 214 Business Communications İşletmelerde İletişim 3 0 3 4
HIST 202 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution-II (T) Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II 2 0 2 3
Total:19 Total:30
Fifth Semester
Course Code English Name of the Course Turkish Name of the Course Credit ECTS
MAN 305 Business Finance-I İşletme Finansı-I 3 0 3 6
MAN 307 Principles of Marketing Pazarlama İlkeleri 3 0 3 5
MAN 317 Managerial Economics İşletme Ekonomisi 3 0 3 6
Man Elective 1 Bölüm Seçmeli 1 3 0 3 5
Man Elective 2 Bölüm Seçmeli 2 3 0 3 5
Social Elective Sosyal Seçmeli 3 0 3 3
Total:18 Total:30
Sixth Semester
Course Code English Name of the Course Turkish Name of the Course Credit ECTS
MAN 306 Business Finance-II İşletme Finansı II 3 0 3 6
MAN 308 Human Resources Management İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi 3 0 3 6
MAN 316 Operations Research Yöneylem Araştırması 3 0 3 5
Man Elective 3 Bölüm Seçmeli 3 3 0 3 5
Man or Faculty Elective Bölüm ya da Fakülte Seçmeli 3 0 3 5
Social Elective Sosyal Seçmeli 3 0 3 3
Total:18 Total:30
Seventh Semester
Course Code English Name of the Course Turkish Name of the Course Credit ECTS
MAN 401 International Business Uluslararası İşletmecilik 3 0 3 5
MAN 445 Data Analytics for Business İşletmeler için Veri Analitiği 3 0 3 5
Man Elective 4 Bölüm Seçmeli 4 3 0 3 5
Man Elective 5 Bölüm Seçmeli 5 3 0 3 5
Man or Faculty Elective Bölüm ya da Fakülte Seçmeli 3 0 3 5
Man or Faculty Elective Bölüm ya da Fakülte Seçmeli 3 0 3 5
Total:18 Total:30
Eighth Semester
Course Code English Name of the Course Turkish Name of the Course Credit ECTS
MAN 403 Marketing Research Pazarlama Araştırması 3 0 3 5
MAN 404 Strategic Management Stratejik Yönetim 3 0 3 5
Man Elective 6 Bölüm Seçmeli 6 3 0 3 5
Man Elective 7 Bölüm Seçmeli 7 3 0 3 5
Man Elective 8 Bölüm Seçmeli 8 3 0 3 5
Man or Faculty Elective Bölüm ya da Fakülte Seçmeli 3 0 3 5
Total:18 Total:30


AKTS: Avrupa Kredi Transfer Sistemi (European Credit Transfer System)

(T) : Medium of instruction is Turkish.

In order to graduate, students must take 14 elective courses given below.

Schedule of 14 Elective Courses:


  • 2 non-field electives can be selected from all departments in the university, except for all courses of the Law School, at least one of which is common courses, and except the following courses of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising.


Courses given in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising that cannot be taken as non-field electives:

HIR 109 – Principles of Advertising (303)

HIR 110 — Advertising and Marketing Research (303)

HIR 203 – Brand Management (303)

HIR 209 – Corporate Communications and Marketing (303)

HIR 210 — Consumer Psychology and Behaviors (303)


  • 4 major field elective courses can be selected from INTT, ECON, PSI, BAF, PSY coded courses. Courses given in the departments of Economics and Administrative Sciences that cannot be taken as in-field electives:

INTT 101- Introduction to Internatonal Trade I (303)

INTT 102- Introduction to Internatonal Trade II (303)

INTT 204- Principles of Finance (303-4)

INTT 320- Operations Research for International Trade (303-5)

BAF 209-  Introduction to Finance I

BAF 210-  Introduction to Finance II

BAF 403-  Working Capital Managemnet

BAF 405-  Capital Budgeting

BAF 406-  Behavioral Finance

ECON 313-Tax Law

ECON 316 Financial Economics

They can also take a “Department Elective” course instead of an major field elective course.


  • 8 MAN-coded and BAF-coded courses determined by the department can be selected as major field elective courses. Courses coded MAN that cannot be taken as in-department elective courses:

MAN 121- Introduction to Business I (303)

MAN 122- Introduction to Business II (303)

MAN 431- Human in Organizations (303)

MAN 432- Management for Engineers (303)

MAN 433- Fundamentals of Business and Management (303)

MAN 485- Accounting (202)

MAN 486- Financial Institution (202)

Courses Accepted as MAN Coded

BAF 307 – Financial Markets and Instruments

BAF 416 – Portfolio Game

BAF 305 – Portfolio Analysis

BAF 402 – International Finance