MAN 601 Research Methods (3 0 3) AKTS: 10
MAN 602 Marketing Theory and Applications (3 0 3) AKTS: 10
This course focuses primarily on the theory literature in marketing. The two-fold major goals of the course are reading and understanding some of the classic philosophy of science literature as well as some of the theory literature in marketing and related disciplines such as economics, management, psychology, and sociology that are other social sciences. The students are expected to begin to develop more rigor in their thinking about scientific theories and to apply these theories to research problems in marketing, with the aim of writing a dissertation or a scholarly paper.
MAN 603 Organization Theory (3 0 3) AKTS: 10
All approaches that try to understand organizations are analyzed in this course. In this course organizational theories are examined by comparing main arguments of all theories. By this way, first of all, history of organizational theory, then early theories (bureaucracy theory, scientific management, administrative theory and human relation approach) and contingency theory, resource dependency theory, transaction cost theory, population ecology, institutional theory and postmodern theories are examined in this course.
MAN 604 Finance Theory (3 0 3) AKTS: 10
In this course, basic securities investment theories along with the capital structure and dividend theories are examined at advanced level. Topics covered in the course are: utility theory, mean-variance portfolio theory, single-index model, multi-index model, capital assets pricing model, arbitrage pricing theory, Fama-French three factor model, efficient markets hypothesis, behavioral finance, capital structure and dividend theories.
MAN 605 Strategic Management (3 0 3) AKTS: 12
The environment in which organizations are operating are continuously changing; in order for organizations to sustain their success in the future they should adapt to this motion and change. Strategic management is a long-term management approach that contributes to the enhancement of competitive position of organizations by formulating the relations between organizations and the environment. The main topics of the lecture are as follows: strategic management concept and its development, strategic management process (vision, mission, values and objectives), strategic analysis (internal and external environment analysis, SWOT analysis), competition, production, marketing, human resources, growth/downsizing strategies, cooperation between organizations and integration strategies, crisis management, strategic techniques (search conference, brain-storming, Delphi technique, balanced scorecard, cost-benefit analysis etc).
MAN 606 Multivariate Statistics (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
The content of this course consists of descriptive statistics, measurement and scaling, non-parametric hypothesis testing, reliability and validity, multiple regression and non linear regression, logistic regression (logit), probabilistic regression (probit), multiple correlation, factor analysis, cluster analysis, canonical correlation, discriminant analysis, structural equation analysis, conjoint analysis, and multi dimensional scaling.
MAN 607 Financial Econometrics (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
Finance applications of econometrics are examined in this course. Topics covered include tests of the random walk hypothesis, univariate and multivariate linear models, ARCH models, unit-root, co-integration and error-correction models, stochastic volatility models, dynamic factor models, estimation of diffusion models, dynamic models for high-frequency data.
MAN 608 Investor Behavior Theory (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
In this course; limits to arbitrage, irrational behaviors of the investors and the causes of these behaviors, manipulation, physiological roots of the investor behavior are examined through the theoretical and empirical studies.
MAN 609 Portfolio Theory (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
In this course, mean-variance portfolio theory, constructing the efficient frontier and choosing the optimum portfolio, index models, fixed-income portfolios, portfolio management strategies, and portfolio performance evaluation methods are examined through the theoretical and empirical studies.
MAN 610 Derivative Markets (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
In this course; derivative markets and instruments traded in these markets, structured financial instruments, hedging and speculation with these instruments, functioning of the derivative markets, and derivative investment strategies are examined theoretically.
MAN 611 Risk Management and Actuarial Theory (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
In this course; insurance and actuarial planning, theories related to asset liability management along with empirical studies are examined.
MAN 612 Accounting Theory (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
This course examines historical development of accounting, foundation of accounting standards in the US and in other countries, development of accounting theories, as well as ethical and governance issues in accounting. This course, particularly, focuses on the examination of academic studies on accounting theories.
MAN 613 Contemporary Accounting Research (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
This course focuses on the areas and conduct of academic accounting studies in the context of current accounting applications. In this context, literature review, data collection and selection of the appropriate research method, and interpretation of the research results are particularly emphasized during the course.
MAN 614 Advanced Financial Statement Analysis (3 0 3) ECTS:8
This course, particularly, examines presentation of financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and discusses the items presented in these financial statements. Then, the importance of items presented in financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS will be examined in the context of financial statement analysis and methods of financial analysis in the single or multidimensional context will be examined. Current literature regarding financial statement analysis will be covered in the course.
MAN 615 Human Resources Management (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
The most important factor for organizational sustainability is the presence of human resources who will develop innovation and creativeness within the organization. Qualified work force provides competitive advantage to organizations, which could be utilized against the competitors. Human Resources Management emphasizes the development of strategies during planning of organizations’ human resources needs, recruitment of human resources in the organization and efficient staffing of highly motivated human resources in line with the organizational purposes, and even during all the process until the retirement of the employee. The main topics of the course are as follows: development of human resources policies, human resources planning, attracting and selection of employees (test and interview techniques), motivation, compensation systems, internal and external rewards, employee-employer relations, discipline, offensive behavior at workplace, psychological harassment, and conflict management. In addition, technical functions such as job analysis (job description, job requirement), job design, employee performance measurement and evaluation are examined. During the course, human resources management functions are discussed from the point of decision-making and problem solving.
MAN 616 Management Theory (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
If the employees in an organization are not well managed they may not exhibit success resulting in high productivity towards organizational goals even if they have good faith. Management theory course emphasizes what should be done in order to increase the managers’ success to reach organizational goals; and concentrates on the functions that creates value such as; high quality, productive and low cost production, distribution, sales and services. Course content includes basic management functions including, planning, organizing, directing (motivation and leadership), controlling. Besides, effective communication, decision making and problem solving processes are also examined in the course. The course also includes contemporary management techniques such as; evolution of the management thought, classical and contemporary management theories, management by objectives, TQM, Six Sigma, benchmarking and learning organizations.
MAN 617 Organizational Behavior (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
People who differ in age, gender, and personality are working in the organizations. Predicting the individual behavior is important in order to provide compatible and efficient working environment in the organizations. Organizational behavior is a discipline, which discusses what needs to be done to get to know ourselves and others based on results derived from researches as opposed to intuitions. Main subjects in this course are; the foundations of individual behavior, attitudes, job satisfaction, personality, values, perception, decision making, motivation, emotions, group behavior, team working, leadership, power, stress management, negotiation.
MAN 618 Organizational Development (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
The environment in which organizations operate is changing constantly with respect to economic, social and technological aspects. Organizations should adapt to this change in order to survive. Organizational development discusses what changes should be brought about in organizational structure, strategies, processes, functions in order to adapt to the environmental changes. Main subjects of this course are; the philosophy of organizational development, change, leading change, restructuring and stabilization, alleviation the resistance to change, measuring organizational performance.
MAN 619 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
Globalization of the business necessitated generating solutions to the problems such a human rights, consumer rights, and environmental protection. Business by cheating the customers with low quality goods and services regardless the benefit of other individuals’ and entities’, which is an easy money making mentality, is now disappearing. Business ethics and social responsibility emphasizes the fact that not only human capital’s technical knowledge is sufficient but also its quality in terms of ethical issues must be taken into account. In addition, business ethics and social responsibility emphasizes organizations’ responsibilities towards its employees and its socially interacting stakeholders. Main topics of the course include; concept of ethics, business ethics and social responsibility, concept of deontological and teleological ethics theories, welfare, rights, justice, equality and value, organizational commitment, whistle-blowing, protection of trade secrets, discrimination, worker rights, occupational health and safety, consumer protection, product-advertisement and marketing security, accountability and corporate social responsibility.
MAN 620 Brand Management and Product Development Strategies (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
The purpose of this course is to teach students the strategic significance of brands in creating shareholder value. Students should develop fluency with the core principles associated with branding including: an understanding of how to develop a brand positioning; managing total brand experience; how to manage the brand relevancy over time; familiarity with the various qualitative and quantitative methodologies that are used to evaluate brand equity; how to achieve growth through brand extension; brand design and brand messaging. The basic philosophy for this course is to blend theory and practice of brand management. This course also enables students to appreciate the systematic approach that goes into the creation and marketing of new products. Case studies are conducted in class regarding brand building and new product development processes.
MAN 621 Microeconomic Theory (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
This course provides comprehensive coverage of fundamental microeconomic issues by also analyzing applications of the theories. The purpose of this course is to deepen the students’ understanding of microeconomics and to introduce students to selected advanced topics. The course also focuses on those areas likely to be most useful to the students in the design and evaluation of policy making as well as in the conduct of future research. Different mathematical techniques including calculus and lagrangian multipliers are used in order to effectively study microeconomic issues. Most topics involve a formal economic model. A graphical and intuitive approach is stressed in addition to the technical tools. Topics in the course include: consumer preference theory, firm behavior under perfect and imperfect competition, demand and supply analysis, elasticity, production and cost analysis, market structures, which are perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition, externalities and public goods, factor markets, Marshallian and Walrasian equilibrium, risk and uncertainty, the Arrow-Debreu model, and the fundamentals of game theory.
MAN 622 Consumer Behavior (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
This course covers an overview of psychological and normative principles of consumer decision-making and judgment through focusing on underlying behavioral research and theory. How people process information, make decisions involving risk and uncertainty, conflicting objectives, and imperfect information is discussed in detail. The implications of consumer behavior to marketing strategy are highlighted.
MAN 623 Retailing (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
Management of retailing, the importance of retailing in distribution channels, the differences and similarities of retailer with those of other members of the distribution channels, revenue of the retailer, product lines, retailing sector in terms of ownership and management methods.
MAN 624 Inventory Management (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
Basic inventory concepts, the classification of inventory models, ABC inventory classification system, EOQ model and its variations, one period inventory problem under risk, EOQ under uncertain demand, Wagnerwhit algorithm, inventory policies (R, Q), (R, S), (S, S), (S, Q), heuristic approach in inventory control, multi-period inventory systems, new approaches to inventory control.
MAN 625 Mathematical Programming and Optimization Models (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
Linear programming theory and applications, problem formulation, duality theory, linear programming solution algorithms, sensitivity analysis, network models, integer programming, linear equations and inequality systems, investigation of computer-aided mathematical programming models developed in relation to these issues, discussion of mathematical programming research articles examining successful implementations on manufacturing, finance and marketing.
MAN 626 Operations Research-Selected Topics (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
Non-linear programming, inventory models, queuing models, simulation and modeling, and the development of computer-aided operations research models of these issues. Discussion of operations research articles examining successful implementations of these topics.
MAN 627 Supply Chain Modeling (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
Topics covered in this course are: basic concepts in the field of supply chain modeling; basic techniques to model the supply chain, the design of the distribution network, network design in supply chain, network design under uncertainty, demand forecasting for supply chain, integrated planning for the supply chain, planning supply and demand in the supply chain, the use of economies of scale in the supply chain, safety stock management, determination of the optimal inventory levels in the supply chain, transportation, pricing and revenue management, coordination of information systems.
MAN 628 Operations Management-Advanced Topics (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
The purpose of this course is to enable Ph.D candidates to conduct in depth analyses in production and operations management theories and methods. Topics included are: theories related to production planning and control, modeling the service processes, inventory theories, logistics, and process design.
MAN 629 Empirical Research in Operations Management (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
The purpose of this course is to enable the Ph.D students to conduct and review empirical research in operations management. The course addresses the following question: How is a research project related to production and operations management initiated? What are the areas in production and operations management in which interesting and novel research projects may be conducted?
MAN 630 Contemporary Marketing Strategies (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
The course is designed to examine and evaluate the product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies that begin before the sales and continue after the sales in micro and macro framework in light of contemporary developments.
MAN 631 Contemporary Finance Issues (3 0 3) ECTS: 8
In this course contemporary finance issues are examined and discussed. This is a survey course and the main purpose is to expose the students to the current finance literature. Students who take the course are expected to examine several topics and prepare reports about them under the supervision of a faculty member.